Dean's Office

Dr. Linda Nagel

Dr. Linda Nagel


Quinney College of Natural Resources

Phone: 435-797-2445
Office Location: NR 108
Jeff Babik

Jeff Babik

Senior Director of Development

Quinney College of Natural Resources

Phone: (435) 720-5152
Katie Dana

Katie Dana

Proposal Development Specialist

Quinney College of Natural Resources

Phone: (435) 797-1202
Office Location: NR 108
Lael Gilbert

Lael Gilbert

Public Relations

Quinney College of Natural Resources

Phone: 435-797-8455
Office Location: QL 202
Leslie Gonzalez

Leslie Gonzalez

Program Coordinator

Quinney College of Natural Resources

Phone: 435-797-1731
Office Location: NR 108
Wake Harper

Wake Harper

Academic Advisor

Quinney College of Natural Resources

Phone: (435) 797-3375
Office Location: NR 122
Dr. Peter Howe

Dr. Peter Howe

Associate Dean for Academics | Professor

Environment & Society

Phone: (435) 797-9457
Office Location: NR 218
Wes James

Wes James

Systems Administrator

Quinney College of Natural Resources

Phone: (435) 213-7171
Office Location: BNR 118
Miranda Lorenc

Miranda Lorenc

Technical Communicator

Quinney College of Natural Resources

Phone: 435-797-8455
Office Location: QL 202
Patsy Palacios

Patsy Palacios


Quinney Natural Resources Library

Phone: (435) 797-4051
Office Location: QL 105
Matthew Plescia

Matthew Plescia

Academic Advisor Coordinator

Quinney College of Natural Resources

Phone: (435) 797-2473
Office Location: NR 116
Whitney Schulte

Whitney Schulte

Staff Assistant II

Quinney College of Natural Resources

Phone: 435-797-7565
Office Location: NR 108
Dr. Juan J. Villalba

Dr. Juan J. Villalba

Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs | Professor

Wildland Resources

Phone: (435) 797-2539
Office Location: BNR 277