Dr. Peter Howe
Environment & Society
Associate Dean for Academics | Professor
Contact Information
Office Hours: By AppointmentOffice Location: NR 218
Phone: (435) 797-9457
Email: peter.howe@usu.edu
Additional Information:
Peter D. Howe is the Associate Dean for Academics in the S.J. and Jessie E. Quinney College of Natural Resources and a Professor of Geography in the Department of Environment and Society. Dr. Howe is a human-environment geographer and environmental social scientist whose research focuses on public perceptions of climate change and environmental risks, using large-scale social surveys, geospatial analysis, statistical modeling, and geovisualization. Dr. Howe received a National Science Foundation CAREER award in 2018. He serves on the leadership team for the Climate Adaptation Science NSF National Research Traineeship program at USU. Before joining USU, Dr. Howe was a postdoctoral researcher at the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication where he created the Climate Opinion Maps project. He earned his PhD and MS in Geography from Penn State University.
Graduate Students
Jace Colby - Ph.D. Environment and Society
Rachel Clarke - M.S. Geography