Dr. Kari E. Veblen

Wildland Resources / Ecology Center


Dr. Kari E. Veblen

Contact Information

Office Location: NR 332
Phone: (435) 797-3970
Email: kari.veblen@usu.edu
Additional Information:


Dr. Veblen's research interests span a broad range of topics focusing largely on the ecology of western U.S. shrubland/grassland systems and African savannas. Specific topics include plant community ecology, plant-herbivore interactions, livestock-wild ungulate interactions, and restoration ecology. Kari's work is primarily field-based with an emphasis on experimental and multi-site approaches to elucidating ecological phenomena and their underlying mechanisms. Her research emphasizes multi-use landscapes (both public and private) that are managed simultaneously for wildlife conservation and sustainable livestock production, with the ultimate goal of informing sustainable management of rangeland ecosystems. 

Graduate Students

Maria Stahl - PhD
Spencer Good - MS
McKenna Delton - MS
Brittany Johnson - MS
Alex Stosich - MS
Josh Day - PhD


WILD 4750 - Monitoring and Assessment in Natural Resource and Environmental Management
WILD 6700 - Restoration Ecology

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