Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between taking NEPA courses for graduate credit or graduate continuing education units?

The NEPA Graduate Certificate can be earned by taking either 12 graduate credits or 18 graduate continuing education units.  The work load expectations for either avenue is the same and results in the student being awarded the NEPA Graduate Certificate.  The only difference is that students who also want to appy their NEPA courses toward a graduate degree (i.e., an M.A., M.S., MNR, or Ph.D. degree) must take the courses for graduate credit and pay for those credits according to Utah State University's graduate tuition schedule.

How much does the NEPA Certificate program cost?

For detailed information about the cost of the program see NEPA Certificate program costs.

How long do I have to complete the program?

Five years. Participants have five years to complete the program, beginning the semester they take their first course(s). However, we recommend that you try to complete the program within two years. The courses are designed to build upon each other, and if a participant waits too long between the courses, information can be forgotten.

How do I enroll in the program? 

Send a completed NEPA Certificate Program application form with transcript documenting the completion of a bachelor's degree to Dr. Lisa Welsh.

What are the requirements of the program?

Program participants are required to take a total of 8 courses. Details are outlined on our Program Requirements page.

Who should participate in this program?

Anybody interested in working for federal, state, or local government agencies, or private consulting firms doing environmental analysis and compliance with environmental laws.

Government agencies, private businesses, public interest organizations, and other groups involved in the NEPA process need individuals who have been trained in decision-making, analysis, and documentation aspects of NEPA, as well as the accompanying Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations and various agencies’ NEPA implementing procedures.