Computer Lab Help Desk

For additional questions, comments, or help, please contact us.


Computer Lab Accounts

Because the Quinney Computer Labs are not a USU open-access lab, access is limited to those students who are part of the Quinney College of Natural Resources. Funding for the labs come from the S.J. and Jessie E. Quinney Foundation and your QCNR class lab fees. The Labs may not be used for commercial, religious, political, funded-research or other illegal purposes. Recreational use is not supported or accommodated but may be tolerated so long as it does not interfere with the management, operation, or availability of lab resources for their intended educational purposes.

First Time Login

Enter your login information in the Secure Login area and click the Login button. Your username will always be your campus wide ID (A#). Your password will be your USU secure password. Once logged in you may customize your desktop to meet your needs. When logging out, close your web browser and shut down the computer to protect your identity.

File storage

You may temporarily store your files directly to your desk top. Excessive file storage, however, will slow down and eventually prohibit your login and operations. We suggest you a) save all files to a removable storage devise, or b) use Box@USU.


Reserving the Lab

The Quinney Computer labs are available for hands-on training by QCNR instructors. Please check the schedule for information about room availability. Reservations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Please check with Patsy Palacios for reservations outside the normal lab hours to insure building access.


If specific software must be installed for your reserved class, requests should be made at least one week in advance. Only properly licensed software and media will be installed. Check here for a listing of software already installed on the machines. You will be responsible to test the functionality of the newly installed software.

Short Courses

Quinney Library computer labs are available for non-QCNR classroom events when classes are not in session. Please check the schedule for information about room availability.

  • There is a cost of $10.00 per head per day.
  • At lease one week's notice is required to allow for software installation, testing, and training if needed.
  • Please indicate at the time of the reservation if access codes will be required.
  • Please check with Patsy Palacios for reservations outside the normal lab hours to insure building access.
  • As a courtesy to the staff, please inform us of any changes and/or cancellations at least three-days prior to your reserved date.

File storage

Lab users may temporarily store files directly to your desk top. But be warned that as soon as the desktop computer is logged off and shut down those files will be lost. Saving to a removable device is highly recommended.