Past Staff & Graduate Students
- Umarfarooq Abdulwahab (PhD 2023, Exxon, TX)
- Donald Benkendorf (PhD 2021, research staff USEPA, Washington DC)
- James Eddings (MS 2020, Environmental consulting, UT)
- Angela Merritt (MS 2020, Bureau of Land Management, OR)
- Nicole Cappuccio (M.S. 2016, BLM-Lotic AIM Lead, National Operations Center, CO)
- Colin Brady (B.S. 2015, BLM Hydrologist, CO)
- Ellen Wakeley (MS 2015, Smithsonian Estuarine Research Laboratory)
- Robin Jones (MS 2014, BLM)
- Iva Sovoloska (MS 2014, PhD program Oregon State University)
- Sirisha Pratha (MS 2014, Goldman Sachs, SLC, UT)
- Ryan Hill (PhD 2013, research staff, USEPA, Corvallis, OR)
- John Olson (PhD 2012, faculty, California State University – Monterey Bay)
- Jacob Vander Laan (MS 2012, Bioassessment staff, Utah DEQ)
- Nora Burbank (MS 2011, Scottish Ministry of the Environment)
- Margi Dubal (MS 2009, Paperless Post, NYC)
- Saritha Kalyanam (MS 2003, Amtex Systems, CA)
- Jeannine Rossa (MS 1999, US BLM, OR)
- Mark Vinson (PhD 1998, USGS, WI)
- Yvette Converse (MS 1996, USFWS, Grand Teton National Park, WY)
- Daren Carlisle (MS 1995, USGS, KS),
- Gordon Russell (MS 1994, Clarke County, VA)
- Brian Creutzburg (Oregon DEQ)
- Jeff Ostermiller (Bioassessment lead, UT DEQ)
- Lynn Decker (Aquatic Ecology lead, USFS, UT)
- Leonard (Trey) Simmons (Aquatic Ecologist, US National Park Service, Alaska)